19 Jun 4:30pm – 20 Jun 5:30pm 2025 EDT
Tabernacle Christian School, 1225 29th Avenue Drive Northeast, Hickory, NC, USA Map
Join us for the third annual Special Education Summit, June 19-20, 2025, on the campus of Tabernacle Baptist Church and Christian School in Hickory, North Carolina.
Hear testimonies and instructional sessions from qualified instructors in the field of special education. This event is designed to equip and encourage parents, teachers, pastors, and administrators seeking to minister to individuals living with disability.
Educators attending may apply for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through the American Association of Christian Schools at https://www.aacs.org/services/staff/continuing-education/.
Visit https://www.tabernaclechristianschool.org/special-education-summit for schedules, menus, and local accommodation information.
The cost of registration includes entry to all sessions, two meals, and access to the Special Education Summit Digital Portfolio.